
Dino Morelli | github

Experienced software engineer specializing in functional programming with Haskell on Linux systems. Strong background and experience in back-end data processing and tool building.



Pramana Labs LLC (Morrisville, NC, USA)

2023 Apr to present

Senior Scala and Haskell software engineer

Input/Output Global (remote)

2022 Apr to 2023 Mar

Haskell programmer on the Marlowe Smart Contract team

Input/Output Global (remote)

2021 Apr to 2021 Sep (unpaid volunteer)

Student and volunteer for the Plutus Pioneer Program, learning about building smart contracts on IOG’s Cardano blockchain

Edwards Lifesciences (remote)

2020 Apr to 2021 Mar - Software Engineer (contract)

Updates and new features for a system tracking chemical composition and regulatory compliance across Edwards’ entire medical devices enterprise

HERE Technologies (remote)

2019 Jun to 2019 Dec - Software Engineer (contract)

Location data transformation work using the HERE Tech Open Location Platform

Honu Apps LLC (Raleigh, NC, USA)

2014 Nov to present - Co-founder, Software Engineer

Software development consulting services

Panasonic Weather Solutions (Morrisville, NC, USA)

2011 Mar to 2018 Feb - Senior Software Engineer

Producing weather forecast products on high-performance computing

Burlington Aviation Technology School (Burlington, VT, USA)

2009 Aug to 2011 Jun - Software Engineer (contract)

Custom web-based education solutions for Avionics students

AT&T Network Security (Morrisville, NC, USA)

2007 Oct to 2009 Jun - Software Engineer (contract)

Member of the Network Security group responding to spam and copyright violation complaints

Open source software development

I have been a contributor to open-source projects, mostly Haskell:
xmobar, cabal-install, darcs, string-conv, TagSoup.

I created and maintain many open-source projects including:
py-mkvenv, epub-tools, epub-metadata, hsinstall, uacpid, hscrtmpl, photoname.
Over 50K lines of original code in Haskell alone.
These projects are hosted and documented in detail on github.

I run the Haskell Meetup in downtown Raleigh, NC.

I am experienced in epub creation and maintain the epub edition of
“(Nothing But) Flowers” by John G. McDaid, a Creative Commons
licensed work of fiction.


Plutus Pioneer Program
Input Output Global’s online class for smart contract development with Haskell/Plutus on the Cardano blockchain

Functional Programming Principles in Scala
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne via Coursera

Statistics 1
Princeton University via Coursera
