# bak ## Synopsis Script for automating nightly machine backups using rsync (bash) ## Description I do nightly backups with rsync. Over time a simple shell script wrapper plus rsync filter file has emerged from this effort. This project exists to share that work. I hope it's useful. ## Installing Place a copy of the script and filter file somewhere important like: /etc/bak/bak-system.sh /etc/bak/bak-system.filter Make sure the script is executable. In the script, modify the `src` and `dest` variables and possibly command switches to reflect your backup needs. Specify the proper path to the filter file if necessary. DON'T FORGET to comment out the `--dry-run` switch assignment once you think it's ready! It might be nice to name these files and things `bak-YOURMACHINENAME.sh` etc. As well as the log file if you're logging. Put something like this in your root user's crontab: 30 02 * * * sh -c '/etc/bak/bak-system.sh > /var/log/bak-system.log' || echo "ERROR exit code $?" Perhaps get logrotate involved to keep the log from getting out of control. A file like `/etc/logrotate.d/bak` containing: /var/log/bak-system.log { rotate 7 daily compress delaycompress missingok notifempty } ## Getting source Get the source with darcs: $ darcs get http://hub.darcs.net/dino/bak Or [browse the source](http://hub.darcs.net/dino/bak) ## Contact Dino Morelli <[dino@ui3.info](mailto:dino@ui3.info)>