import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error import Data.Enumerator.IO import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock ( getCurrentTime ) import Data.Time.Format ( formatTime ) import Data.Time.LocalTime ( utcToLocalZonedTime ) import Network.HTTP.Enumerator hiding ( path ) import System.Cmd import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Locale ( defaultTimeLocale ) import Text.Printf import Text.Regex outputProgInfo :: IO () outputProgInfo = do dateStamp <- fmap (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") $ getCurrentTime >>= utcToLocalZonedTime putStrLn dateStamp progName <- getProgName putStrLn $ progName ++ " v2.0.3.0 Dino Morelli " putStrLn "\n" data EP = EP String (IO ExitCode) instance Error EP where strMsg msg = EP msg $ return ExitSuccess getEpisode :: [String] -> ErrorT EP IO String getEpisode (e:_) = do return $ printf "%04d" $ (read e :: Int) getEpisode _ = do files <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents "." let re = mkRegex "([0-9]+)" let nss = map head . catMaybes . map (matchRegex re) $ files let m = foldl max (-1) . map read $ nss :: Int when (m < 0) $ throwError $ EP "Unable to determine next issue number" (return $ ExitFailure 1) return $ printf "%04d" (m + 1) checkFileExists :: FilePath -> ErrorT EP IO () checkFileExists cbtFile = do exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cbtFile when exists $ throwError $ EP (printf "CBR file %s already exists. Aborting!" cbtFile) (return $ ExitFailure 2) cleanUp :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m () cleanUp dirPath = liftIO $ do putStrLn "Cleaning up.." removeDirectoryRecursive dirPath makePathUrl :: String -> Int -> (String, String) makePathUrl episode page = (path, url) where path = printf "FA%s-%d.jpg" episode page url = printf "" path {- Download a file using a URL and store it on disk locally in constant memory. The boolean result is whether or not the file was present that we asked for. This server in particular wants to redirect to an index page with a 302 if the URL is bad. -} downloadFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool downloadFile path url = liftIO $ withFile path WriteMode $ \handle -> do request <- parseUrl url http (\code _ -> iterHandle handle >> return (code == 200)) request downloadFiles :: String -> FilePath -> ErrorT EP IO () downloadFiles episode dirPath = do cwd <- liftIO $ do putStrLn "Creating dir for downloaded images.." createDirectory dirPath getCurrentDirectory -- Save this path for later -- Try first image to check if this is a valid issue dlSucceeded <- liftIO $ do setCurrentDirectory dirPath putStrLn "Downloading images.." let (path, url) = makePathUrl episode 1 ds <- downloadFile path url setCurrentDirectory cwd return ds -- It's not a valid issue, stop now unless dlSucceeded $ throwError $ EP (printf "Pages for episode %s were not found. Is this a valid episode number?" episode) (cleanUp dirPath >> (return $ ExitFailure 3)) -- We're good, get the rest of the pages liftIO $ do setCurrentDirectory dirPath forM_ [2..6] $ \n -> do let (path, url) = makePathUrl episode n downloadFile path url setCurrentDirectory cwd constructCbr :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ErrorT EP IO () constructCbr cbtFile dirPath = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Constructing CBR file.." _ <- liftIO $ system $ printf "tar cvf %s %s" cbtFile dirPath cleanUp dirPath liftIO $ putStrLn $ printf "Complete. Your new file: %s" cbtFile main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering outputProgInfo result <- runErrorT $ do episode <- liftIO getArgs >>= getEpisode let dirPath = printf "FreakAngels_%s" episode let cbtFile = dirPath ++ ".cbt" checkFileExists cbtFile downloadFiles episode dirPath constructCbr cbtFile dirPath return ExitSuccess either (\(EP msg a) -> do putStrLn $ "ERROR: " ++ msg exitWith =<< a ) exitWith result